“Discover the essential principles of yoga practice in our comprehensive guide. Explore the transformative power of yoga as we describe into the key elements which teaches the balance, mindfulness, and physical well-being. Know how to apply the principles of yoga practice to enhance your flexibility, strength, and inner peace. Join us on this enlightening the joy of life journey to deepen your understanding and embrace the holistic benefits of yoga”.
1) TIME–Time play a very important role in Principles of Yoga Practice. Asanas can be done both in the morning and in the evening. If you cannot do both, then morning is the best time. In the morning, the mind remains calm. You can do asanas on an empty stomach in the morning after retiring from defecation etc. and after 5 hours of lunch in the evening. Before doing yoga practice one should retire from defecation etc. If constipation persists, then as soon as you wake up in the morning, you should drink water kept overnight in a copper or silver utensil. After this, take a little walk, it clears the stomach. If possible, take Triphala powder with warm water before sleeping at night. After waking up in the morning, drinking four spoons of aloe vera and amla juice in warm water cures constipation, gas, diseases of the digestive system, and eye diseases, and increases immunity.
2)PLACE-A clean, quiet, and secluded place is best for asanas and for yoga practice. It is best if there is a bank of pond or river, near the garden, greenery of the trees. There is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the open environment and near the trees, which is a healthy venture, it can also be done on the terrace of the house. if you do asana and pranayama at home, then the place should be scented by lighting a ghee lamp or guggul etc, A well-ventilated place with clean air is best for Yogasana and Pranayama. (During winters, according to your tolerance, you can practice at low temperatures in the room).
3)CLOTHING-Clothing should be short and comfortable on the body while keeping the costumes simple. Men can use half-pants and a vest. Mothers and sisters can practice asanas and pranayama etc by wearing a salwar kurta and tracksuit etc.
4)YOGA PRACTICE AND QUANTITY-It is advisable to use a soft carpet, blanket, or yoga mat for yoga practice on the ground. Do not do it on open ground. Aasans should be done according to your ability. Full practice of asanas is done in 1 hour, medium practice in 30 minutes, and short practice in 15 minutes. Every person must do Yogasana for half an hour every day and 30-45 minutes of Pranayam must include daily, and concluded with the last 5 minutes of meditation and some time Savasana.
5)AGE- By concentrating the mind, with happiness and enthusiasm, and taking full care of your age, physical strength, and ability, you should practice yoga as per your capacity. Only then he will be able to get real benefits from the young man. Old and weak persons should do asanas and pranayama in small amounts. By starting the practice of Pranayama subtle exercises from the age of 3 years, all men and women of every age group must practice yoga according to their ability. Make yoga your nature. Children above 10 years of age can do all yogic practices. Pregnant women should not do difficult asanas etc. They should only meditate on the holy mantras with slow pranayam and asanas like Shavasan, Bhastrika, Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Prasav, Nath, and Gayatri Mantras.
6)CONDITIONS AND PRECAUTIONS- Asanas and Pranayama can be done under all conditions. These activities improve the health of a healthy person. He does not become sick and a sick person becomes healthy. But still, there are some asanas that a sick person should not do. For example, those who have runny ears, have redness in the eyes. Those whose nerves and heart are weak should not do Shirshasana. People who are weak in heart should not do heavy asanas like Purna Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, etc. Those who feel more pressure in the area below the navel also avoid it. Patients with high blood pressure should not practice a headstand etc. and women should not practice asanas for four to five days in the menstruation cycle but Women should do light exercise, meditation etc, Those who have pain in their back and neck g. Do not do bending postures. The Practice of all proper activities should be done according to the method and time-bound, according to moderate speed and physical ability. Excessive force should not be applied. Forward bending asanas should not be practiced in disc-related problems and cases of back pain. People who have been operated on for Hernia, abdominal surgery, acute heart disease after injury and other ulcers, etc can not practice Aasans. People suffering from chronic diseases should avoid back bending or back-straining exercises.
7)DIET-After about half an hour of yoga practice, you can take a bath and take food. There should be sattvic substances in the food, the stomach gets distorted by the consumption of fried rich substances. Tea should not be drunk after asana. By drinking tea once, about 50 cells of soft glands like the liver become inactive. From this, you can estimate how harmful tea is. This is also a terrible enemy for health, which distorts the holy temple in the form of a body. By taking tea continuously, a person gets used to it, etc. Tea has the maximum contribution in reducing gastric fire and causing diseases like acidity, constipation, etc. A Vegetarian balanced and nutritious diet is most useful for good health.
8)RULES OF BREATH DELIVERY-While doing asanas, the rule is that while bending forward, exhale and while bending backward, keep the breath filled. Breathing has to be done through the nostrils and should be released, not through the mouth, because the breath taken from the nose goes inside after being filtered and the balance of freedom is maintained. When one is stable for a long time in a posture, the speed of breathing becomes normal. Is. Long breaths should be practiced during Susum exercise and exercise.
9)SIGHT- By doing yoga with eyes closed, the concentration of the mind increases, due to which mental stress and agitation go away. You can also do asanas and pranayama with an open eye.
10)SEQUENCE-Some asanas have to be done on one side, if you do an asana on the right side, do it on the left side as well. Apart from this, fix such a sequence of asanas that the muscles and joints are exercised even in each subsequent easily decomposed direction. For example, Tadasana after Shirshasana. After Sarvangasana. Matsyasana. Ustasana after Mandukasana. After Vajrasana. Supta Vajrasana. After Mayurasana, Ustasana. After Uttanpadasana, Pawanmuktasana. After Chakrasana, Paschimottanasana. After Paschimottanasana. Dhanurasana should be done. Beginners will initially experience pain in two to four muscles and joints. Continue the practice, the pain will subside automatically. According to the compatibility, the asanas and pranayama that can be done by lying down can also be done before meditation and Later also. Doing a little exercise and asana first in winter is favorable and in the summer season before doing pranayama or meditation, there is more happiness and joy in the mind. One should wake up with it. At the end of yoga practice, do Shavasana for 3-5 minutes so that the limbs become stable.
11)REST-Whenever you feel tired while doing asanas, you should rest in Shavasana or Makarasana. If you are tired, you can take a rest in between.
12)TEACHER-The accomplishment of yoga is achieved only by Guru’s grace and Guru’s instructions. That’s why the practice of yoga, asana, pranayama, meditation, etc. should be done in the company of the Guru in the beginning.
13)YAM NIYAM-Principles of Yoga Practice without yam niyam is incomplete .Practitioners of Yoga should follow the Yama Niyamas with all their might. Without following the Yama Niyamas, no one can be a Yogi.
14)BODY TEMPERATURE- If the temperature of the body increases due to yoga practice or in the case of fever temperature goes high side, then by inhaling (completing) the breath through the Chandra Swara i.e. left nostril and exhaling through Surya Swara i.e. right nostril. The temperature should be normalized by doing the method again and again.
15)STOMACH CLEANING-If your stomach is not cleaned properly and if you are having a complaint of constipation and indigestion, then in the beginning for a few days it is advised to you to take a mild laxative, Haran or Triphala powder in bedtime, otherwise, if the stomach is not clean properly, the eyes, mouth, head and there may be complaints of weakness in the nervous system. Therefore it is very important to have a clean stomach, to be free from constipation, to avoid indigestion, to sleep on time at night, and to have a proper diet.
16)DIFFICULT ASANAS- People who have ever had a bone fracture should never practice difficult asanas, otherwise the bone may break again at the same place. Do not do difficult asanas even in old age and after any major operation.
17)ON SWEATING-If you sweat during exercise, wipe it with a towel. This brings agility. The skin remains healthy and germs will not be able to enter the body through the skin route. The Practice of yoga asanas should be done after taking a bath etc. as much as possible. You can take a bath only after 15-20 minutes of practice when the body temperature becomes normal